Thursday 14 May 2009


... is the number of words I need to write before the end of the month to hit my target of 55,000 words. Most of the words written this month have been on Traces, whih I wasn't expecting. Scratches is stalled - I want to make some revisions, which will open up a few more plot possibilities. traces, on the other hand, is in the 'open phase' - my investigatior is on site and talking to people, and I haven't started to close in on the solution, so there is lots to write about. True, a lot of it is flab - I took 500 words to get her from the foot of a short driveway tot he door of a house, andother 500 to get her into the living room, and tonight's 500 was the start of a conversation. But it feels good - much better than the misbegotten bar sequence I worte last week. It will need to be slimmed down, but that's not important at this stage. Interesting ideas and comments are finding there way intot he narrative, which is what this is all about.

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