So tonight I started ... something. Urk. I know I've bragged about my contempt for planning, but please understand - everytime I start a new stroy, it is with the best intentions of abandoning my feckless ways and planning before I start. Then I think "If I do that, I'll never start! I'll be deciding on the colours of cars driving by in the introductory sceen, and have written 10,000 words of outline, but not the story." So aware that time gallops by regardless of how much or how little planning I do, I lurched into another story without knowing anything about it.
Okay, not true. I know the following. My protagonist is female (tired of writing from Jack's surly, male point-of-view) and she's climbing a steep hill, somewhere in New Zealand. There's someone with her, a man. There are a couple of other ideas that I'm keeping back, for obvious reasons, this being a murder mystery and all. Oh, and she (my main character) is psychic. Or she thinks she is. I'm not sure if she is or not. But, at this time, I haven't decided on her name yet. I've managed to write 1,000 words without that being important, but I'm not sure how much longer this can be maintained. Curiously, I managed to name her male companion without any difficulty.
Knowing so little, I've concentrated on description. Again, this may be a reaction to my previous story, which had little description in it - except for the frequent fistfights. In this case, I have a significant advantage over my previous effort. While it has been over ten years since I was last in anything approximating a fist fight, I have often been hot, uncomfortable and sore, so I can get good mileage out of that.
Still, sooner or latter, some decisions will have to be made. Can't have people calling my character "You there!" or "Ma'am" all the time.
TOTAL NUMBER OF WORDS THAT ARE WORD COUNT BOOSTING WAFFLE: 30 ("I’d gone out to watch a film, and then gone home to eat dinner and watch TV. I called Aroha and made a date to see her at the weekend.")
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