It's one week to the start of Nanowrimo 08, which means it is time to start thinking seriously about How You Are Going To Write This Thing.
Somethings to think about. Some of this might seem repetitive, but it is important that yoou've thought about this stuff. Having beautiful characters and a wondrous plot is all very well, but if you haven't organised time to actually write, you'll find November very unpleasant. So, once more, with feeling, is some of the essential prep you really need to be thinkng of.
There is a time and a place for everything. But have you organised yours? Are you giving yourself a realistic amount of time when you'll be able to write? Ideally, this should be the same time every night, same place. That way, your sub- or unconcious mind will become habituated and will start producing ideas on cue. There are some people who thrive on chaos and find writing in the middle of a sea of screaming children while the dog is gnawing on their leg helps their creativity, but these people are, I think, far rarer that they think they are. Most of us would like to think we are like that, but aren't. Remember what I said about insulation - you HAVE to be selfish here.
So get accustomed to the idea that 8pm-10pm (or whatever) is novelling time. Make sure you're somewhere away from your nearest and dearest, lovely distractions like the TV, and start settling into your routine. Settle yourself down with a cup of your Nano beverage of choice, put on the music you'll be listening to for writing. During Nano I listen to the same few albums, over and over - now as soon as I here those songs, I can write (Tom Waits and an obscure British band called Gene, mostly). Get into the habit of doing some literary pottering about for a while, each night - write a short story, or a journal, or plan for nano. But make sure you're getting into a comfortable, workable routine.
As remarked previously, this is also fairer on other people, who will come to recognise it will happen. Of course, I'm not thinking of their feelings - but if they are acclimatized to you sealing yourself away every evening NOW, they won't complain so much in November. AND the last thing you want is resentful spouses demmanding some attention in November. Family are great, but in November they are often just another pawn of the Nanobeast, in its war to stop you reaching 50K.
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