Tuesday, 31 March 2009

On the march in March

Pleased to report that March has been a successful month. It wasn't shaping up to be so.

I had set myself a goal of reaching 15,000 words in Traces by the end of the month - modest, but pretty realistic. I didn't reach it, having just passed 14,000 tonight. But I'm letting myself off with just a mild flogging because I've also written just over 4,000 words of Scratches (I'm really starting to hate that name) and that - for the mathematically challenged - takes my aggregate to well over thetarget. So with only mild fudging and re-defining of goals, I'm home very comfortably indeed.

Both stories are quite similar, plot wise. This is intentional, as I'm interested in seeing how they develop with different characters and settings. One is set here in New Zealand, the other in Glasgow in Scotland. One features a female investigator and te other a male. They have very different personalities and attitudes. So far, I'm finding it a lot easier to write fromt he point of view of the Scottish, male investigator. Which is very odd, given that I'm Scottish and male.

What is important is that the voices of both characters are utterly distinct. Otherwise, I think I would find it much more difficult to balance them. but as they are so different, they complement rather than compete. As I mentioned the other day, I am finding it easier to write Traces because of the impetus I've gained from the new project. 1,500 words a night, every night for four nights now. I will have to slow down, because I can start to feel the first strains, and I'm bluntly exhausted and living on coffee. But I'm pretty pleased with myself.

Don't worry, I'm not being naive. I know it won't last.

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