Monday 30 March 2009

Still on the rampage

Three nights in a row, 1,000 words on Scratches (n.b this title is very provisional) and a more sedate 500 words on Traces. Which is awesome, almost Nano intensity. Bt the weird thing is, because the Scratches material is coming so easily, and because it is feeding the Traces work, it doesn;'t feel anything like as difficult as Nano type writing is.

Here's a tiny extract from tonight's work on Traces:
“To be honest, I wasn’t sure if you were for real, or if it was all a fraud. You know most of them are, putting it on, usually just telling people what they want to here, stock answers which can mean just about anything.”

“I don’t do horoscopes, if that’s what you mean,” I answer, curtly.

“Sorry. But because I needed to talk to you about something really, I didn’t want to just pour it all out to anyone. And your house, well, it was just so ordinary.”

“Yeah, the crystal ball was being polished and because I’d forgotten you were coming I hadn’t put out any bats and spiders.” Enough, Donna. Like you said, she isn’t the first, and she won’t be the last. And what she said was fair enough. She wasn’t wanting to make contact with a dead cat.

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