Thursday, 23 April 2009

Catch up

A thousand words last night on Scratches, a thousand words tonight on both. And the stuff I wrote tonight for Scratches was really quite cool - a nice idea, and I think I carried it off pretty well. Though I'm hyped with coffee and cookies and too raddled to know.

And I've finally moved Traces from the intro sequence to the actual proper story. Whic is good, because I was getting very mired in that intro and not at all sure how I was going to get myself out. So in the end I just announced that Donna was off to solve the mystery, and the Hell with motivation. I can patch that later, if need be. Though there's plenty of motivation for her to get on with it.

Word counts are Traces 19,294 and Scratches 12,401. Still not looking good for the 25K / 15K target, but a couple more good nights and I'll be close enough to allow myself a little victory dance.

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