Monday, 20 April 2009

Snail on speed

Traces to 18,249 - which looks like a mere 750 words advance on last night, but I must have rounded up SEVERELY yesterday, because I wrote a thousand words tonight.

And (FIREWORKS!) Scratches over 10,000 words.

And last night, after my progress report, I had a BLINDING INSPIRATION for Traces. Something I'd stuck in earlier, which might or might not have been significant, decided, suddenly, that it was going to be significant. Which is really cool.

Which means I need a sniffle under 7,000 words on Traces before the end of the month, and just under 5,000 for Scratches, if I'm to hit my targets. Could be close. If I get my Evil Tooth ripped out this week, it might mean I don't get there - I'm not much good at writing in severe pain, and I don't expect anything less than severe pain to follow said ripping out.

Oh well.

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